Sunday, October 6, 2019

Post #199...2019

The weather man has been teasing about a cold front finally coming through and cooling down these 90+ degrees days but then it doesn't happen.  Tomorrow it is actually suppose to start out in the 50's and the high is 76 degrees.  That will be a shock to my body I'm sure.  So if that is the case I will be actually wearing leggings and a jacket tomorrow instead of shorts and tank top.  We'll see ;)

Had a great lunch yesterday with my Empty Nester's group.  There were 6 of us and it was a nice time. I actually was the first one to leave so that I could get back to work.  Yes I worked this weekend but today was only half a day.  And I have off a few days this week too as part of my using up vacation time so that I don't lose it.  I am looking forward to being off!  I want to look into getting a new laptop for in my office.  The one I have in there now is so small and was so cheap it doesn't even have enough disc space to upgrade to windows 10 and it constantly is jamming up like when I try to open Facebook, etc.

Hubby made a ramp and seating area for our dogs out of a ramp (which I bought online) adding a 2nd section of ramp and the top portion for them to sit on.  This is for the back balcony that we had screened in in the spring. So far only Bella has gone up and down it. She always wants to see outside and since we have that half wall there now she can't see anything so this gives her a way to see out back anyway.  I was a little worried that she would be afraid to go up it since it is pretty high up for a little dog, but she took to it the first time!  Here she had already been sitting up at the top and went exploring down the ramp and then right back up.  Ditzy may be trying it out next as she seemed curious enough.  I hope they can share that space.   Our older sheltie shows no interest which I expected that from her.

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