Monday, August 15, 2016

Water Polo

I am writing during my lunch 1/2 hour and turned on the Olympics which is in the middle of a women's Water Polo heat.  I can't believe these women tread water the entire time they are playing!! That seems incredibly difficult to me, not to mention catching the ball and throwing it into the goal. I remember having to 'tread' water when I was a kid taking swimming lessons.  It really wasn't that bad once I got into a slow rhythm. It was if trying to tread too fast and getting winded and then sinking that was the tough part.  :-)  But still I only had to do it like 5 minutes at the most. These gals do it for long periods of time. Something to be admired!

I didn't get my walk in this morning as we have had rain since the wee hours and it has been fairly steady. We really do need it but I am hoping it is down to a light rain by the end of my work day so that I can get my walk in. We'll see.  I have no interest if it pouring then.  The forecast is for chance of rain most of the week.  It is great for the drought we are now finding ourselves in so I'll try not to complain, I just hope I can get some walks in this week.

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