Saturday, August 3, 2013


So as I wrote days ago, my hubby knocked down the wasp nest that was in the corner of the front balcony.  And by the next day they were back busily building another wasp nest. He said he will just knock it down again when it is a little bigger.  Okay, but do these buggers have a memory? Because when I went out to water yesterday there was just one up at the new nest but out from a nearby tree I saw another one coming straight toward me.  I thought it was my imagination but as I went back to watering my garden, I felt something lightly brushing my forearm. It was that friggin wasp!  OMG! Is it a scout, there to pester me whenever I am out on the balcony now?  Are they that intelligent?  Ugh!

I am glad it didn't sting me but seriously am I going to have to be even more careful every time I go out to water than before?  I am starting to think I should just have just left the first nest, but it was getting pretty big and I didn't want to risk getting stung every time I was at that corner of the balcony garden.  I also don't want to feel rushed to get that area done just because of them.  We'll see how things go. I didn't water this morning but I will this evening. Have to water every day in this heat!

Okay the picture below is what's left of my zucchini plants that I finally laid to rest, well gave up on. They were pretty well dead and the tiny zucchini I was holding out hope for had turned yellow and dried up already.

The next picture is the only remaining thing in that container, the bean plant that I did NOT plant this year. It is still green enough so I'm hoping maybe it will provide me with even a few beans to add to a stir fry.

The next picture hubby took. He thought it looked like Ditzy was climbing up the wall. Not so much, by the way her paws are positioned, but hey I thought I'd post it anyway.

And here she is, looking up at Dad thinking, "don't you have enough pictures of me, pa?"

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