Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Day after the Tornado

Yes Georgetown had its first Tornado (ever) I think. It only touched down for a few seconds and did no damage, but the storm trackers in the Austin area got it on video. I suppose since there was no damage and only lasted a few seconds it wasn't even recognized as a tornado on some TV stations. Oh well I know I saw the video (it is on youtube) and it was real.  I actually did see a few clouds looking like they were fingering down from the rest of the clouds right before it happened.  I went to the bathroom while I could because I didn't know if we'd have to take cover or what.  Well those finger like clouds passed over but they likely are what came together and formed the funnel up the road a mile from where we live.  It was pretty scary, especially because the storm seemed so erratic. Austin had many areas flooded and a town called Wimberly had many houses wiped out and 12 (I think) people are missing. Nightly news actually aired from there tonight with Lester Holt and he showed footage of many of that area's homes wiped out.  I'm so glad that the tornade did not hit our house and that we got away with not even a downed tree branch.

Then after it passed there were the most unusual clouds I have ever seen. This was about 6:30PM. The tornado was about 2:45PM.  They are called Mammatus clouds.  Here are some pictures that I took.  I should have taken some later also as the sky turned a yellowish orange, and just overall weird skies until sun down.  These clouds looked like a bunch of cotton balls (huge) stuck up in the sky.  I have never seen anything like them before. 

All is calm today but there is a chance of rain yet for the next 7 days too.  Oye!


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