Thursday, May 7, 2015

Tired Thursday

Last night when it was Merlin's turn to take my walk with me, I took a double take!  I could hardly believe that same Greenling box was out at the neighbor's porch (which now has been a week there).  I was really surprised because the new people have already moved in!  Guess they didn't know what to make of it so left it there? Who knows!

It was very humid last evening and Kaci let us know it!  She was very restless and was on the bed, off the bed, pacing the laminate floor with her nails hitting the floor with every step, and then back on the bed again. Hubby tried taking her to see if she had to go outside (to potty) but she didn't want to go, so back upstairs with us.  She came up near my face at one point so I laid her right next to me and petted her stomach for a while.  She finally calmed down and the rest of the night which at that point was 3:45AM on...we got some peaceful sleep.  Needless to say it was a bit rough getting up at 7 for me today and exercising.  The good new is that tomorrow is Friday at least!  I already told hub if it is humid tonight let's put the A/C on.  It isn't that it was really hot last night just warm and muggy!

Well our tax returns got to the IRS okay, we just got our (meager) refund check a few days ago.  I don't like doing the auto deposit thing. Something about the IRS having my account information, just doesn't sit well with me. 

I'm pretty sure I have a dermatology appointment this month for my 6 month check up.  It sure would be nice if she found NOTHING suspicious that needs any type of biopsy/sliver, etc.  I haven't had a clear check up since a year ago when I had my check up (which I had let go for 12 months, as in December that prior yr (the 6 month appointment) I was too busy to go..thinking I was fine anyway as they had already taken care of the basal cell that previous May). But when I went last May it had been a year since I was 'checked' and she found two suspicious moles and ended up taking them off (it isn't just scraping it off either when they decide to remove it. The scraping is just the first sampling, then if results come back with any mild/moderate abnormalities that causes for removal and the need for 2-4 stitches). Then my last appointment this past December there was another one on my back, another 4 stitches.  So yah....would be nice to not find anything troublesome. 

In a way I guess I'm lucky I even had that basal cell issue because if I hadn't I still probably never would have gone to a dermatologist to this day, not thinking I had anything to worry about.  I'm just very grateful there has been nothing major (as in "M"elanoma) discovered.  I really did do a ton of sun bathing as a kid and young adult! Now I'm putting on sunscreen even to take a 30 minute walk (unless it is after 7:00PM),...there is mostly shade where I walk and I weigh in on whether I really need to do it. For the most part I am rarely out in the sun for any given amount of time - I'm working at my DESK!  ;0)

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