Saturday, July 6, 2019

Post #166....2019

I don't usually blog in the morning like this. Surprise!  Actually I got up earlier than I would have in order to get a jump start on work but the system is down so....I have to wait for it to come up.  Oye!
I did call about it and it isn't just me.  

So I put the TV on...watching some good ol' M*A*S*H shows on cable TV while I wait. I used to be such an avid M*A*S*H fan and loved Hawkeye's sense of humor. So it is enjoyable to watch a few episodes.  I don't want to do any cleaning as I'm already dressed for the day and have a little make up on.  It is lunch day with the empty nester group.  My attire for the week has been LuLaroe Carly dresses so today is the last day for them.  Hey anything to lighten up my week right? :)

Hubby got me some Benedryl as I have a rash on part of my neck. Calamine lotion is helping it but I don't want to keep using it.  I thought when it cleared up so nicely after using that for a day that it was it, but the other day when I was cleaning the bathroom and sweating, it was itching again.  It may just be heat rash, at least I'm hoping that is all it is.  It isn't anywhere else and I am able to not scratch it (with determination). LOL  I just took one Benedryl with my morning smoothie so we'll see if that helps.

Off to see if I can get started with work.

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