Friday, September 23, 2016

Nearly a week later...

I know I haven't posted in days but I have been busy to say the least. Monday morning I drove hubby to the doctor. He could barely make it in the front door of their office.  10 minutes later the ambulance was coming to take him to the hospital. Doctor said he was in too much pain for him to do much and that was fine with me that he needed to go. 

Hours and hours later, we were discharged with 4 prescriptions in hand and the results of an MRI were that he had a herniated disc.  The neurologist that came and talked to us said that they don't like to jump right into doing surgery and wanted to see if he would improve with rest and the meds.

Now it is Friday and he has been bedridden since we got back. If he gets up to use the bathroom the pain starts again. And he is even having pain just being in bed sometimes.  And it gets so bad he is literally in tears.  Feel so bad for him.

He is going to the neurologist's office on Wednesday late afternoon. That is the earliest we could get!  In hind sight we both wish he would have just had the operation at this point as he'd be on the mends instead of still being down and out.  Unless there is some miracle that he is much better by Wednesday, we are going to pretty much insist on going ahead with surgery.  Not sure which way they may go. I've read there is a minor surgical procedure all the way to removing discs and fusing.  We'll find out.  Whatever he needs to make him pain free and able to get around again, he will do!  He has sworn off moving heavy furniture ever again too. I'm going to hold him to that.

So on top of going to mom's every single night for dinner and the other things I do for her, I've been doting on hubby too and trying to get some work done at the same time.  I'm working this weekend to try to get a little caught up.

I didn't have my new books for the hospital and it was quite boring but now I have them so will be toting them any time we have to be somewhere.

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