Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Post #145...2019

Today was a busy day at work which is okay as it makes the day go faster.  The rugs that I ordered for our screened in balcony came.  I'll take a picture when we got them down.  I just wonder how much it will rain in with it being screened in.  I hope not much since they covered the deck with a mildew, water resistant type of boarding and there are no holes for any water to drain.  So it will be interesting to see.  Unless we get a lot of sideways rain I don't see it ever being a problem.  It was suppose to rain this evening but it appears to have moved just to the east of us.

Hubby freshly painted a table that we put out on the balcony but he was walking backwards and forgot about the doggy steps we have next to the bed.  He fell down and I was really worried about his back. He seems to be okay, just got a few bruises (I hope).  An antique lamp that he had on his side table broke as he hit it so there was a lot of glass to be picked up.  It could have been a lot worse though so hopefully he continues to be 'okay'.

I can't believe it is June already! This year is really going by fast.  The heat is definitely here in Texas though.  Oh, speaking of heat, we tried the portable air conditioner last night in our bedroom but it was really loud!  So we turned it off when we went to bed (kept the door closed) and put the overhead fan on.  That worked well enough for me and I think hubby was fine with that too, so I think that is the plan for the hot nights at least for now.  We don't really know 100% what is wrong with the central air system for the 2nd floor but if it is a crushed pipe under the house like the A/C repair man said was the likely problem, it will be over $1000 to fix. No thank you!

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