Monday, June 10, 2019

Post #149...2019

Today was a much nicer day at work because I didn't have to feel like I was running a race against time :)   Don't know how the rest of the week will be but I am happy today was nice at least!

I won a few books from the NWAL senior sheltie rescue auction last week and got them on Saturday.  They were signed and sent by the author herself.  One is titled Mollie's Tail. I chatted with the author a little bit on Saturday evening to tell her we had a Molly too (just spelled differently).  She seems really nice.  Since I'm waiting for the oldest to finish The Nightingale I started reading this author's book.  It is interesting enough as I feel for this woman as she had her first attempt at adopting a sheltie who was doomed to be put to sleep due to an owner surrender.  We've had a few that didn't work out for us too so I totally can relate to this story.

I only bid on these books because no one else had bid yet and I'm always a sucker for rescue organizations, especially sheltie ones!

The tornado alarm went off last evening around 5:45PM and I was surprised as it was barely grey outside and no rain at all.  There was a sound bound storm that apparently had a tornado (or possible tornado) already touch down that was headed our way so they sounded the siren as a warning.  So there was a Tornado warning until 6:30 PM. Luckily the main storm went south and slightly west so we missed it.  There was also a storm possibly turning into tornado headed to a town east of us. So I felt so lucky that we were in the middle (like the parted sea) and relatively safe where we were.  We got some wind and rain though nothing really bad.  That was nice but a little nerve rattling too. I realize we all have to be caution but between the sirens and the weather men on the news on TV, I felt like we'd have to take cover any second.  It turns out that one tornado touched down in our county but in Liberty Hill (about 15 miles away from us).

I guess as a result of the storms for lack of a better reason it was really nice today. It didn't get higher than the mid 80's and we've been in the 90's the most recent days.  Well I'm off to relax and enjoy the rest of the evening.

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