Friday, May 6, 2016

Finally Friday

This was one of those weeks when by Wednesday I was saying to myself 'Isn't it Friday yet?"
So it is finally Friday. :-)   Last night was a late work night so I didn't blog.

It has been beautiful that last few days, sunny and warm.  Just the way I like it. This morning it was Molly's turn to walk with me. There is a gal with a very large black lab (perhaps lab mix) that runs in the morning sometimes and unfortunately today was one of those days.  Molly's is a barker - plain and simple that is the fact.  But I can hold her back no problem.  Her dog, she not only has to stop running and hold it back, but she has to really try holding it back from lunging toward Molly.  We are on opposite sides of the street and I stopped and walked up behind a mailbox (made with bricks) to try to not be close but that didn't matter. I was afraid she was not going to be able hold her dog back.  It didn't bark or snarl but I've already had a bad experience with a lab attacking our Shelby back in PA and wounded her pretty badly (while it was throwing her around like a rag doll).  I did not want to have something like that happen ever again!

This gal managed to keep her dog in her questionable control but then I was watching for her the whole way back to our house because she isn't thoughtful enough to go a different way!  I got to down at the corner (our house was only 4 houses away) when there I spotted her coming up the other way. Ugh!  So I walked up that person's driveway and stood behind her car with Molly so that she luckily couldn't see this gal's dog.  I'm glad the lady who owns the house didn't come out and ask me why I was standing there.

Needless to say I felt hardly relaxed or refreshed after that walk! :-(

The oldest and her hubby sent me some chocolate covered strawberries for Mother's Day.  Here's a picture. Yum! 

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