Sunday, June 26, 2016

Gelati dessert

Hubby got me these small Gelati desserts which I thought would be like the Rita's Ice Gelati from when we used to get them but they taste more like ice cream.  So I don't know.  They are good but not what I consider Gelati consistency. Okay I just solved my own mystery.  I looked at one of the containers again. It had Italian Gelato (NOT Gelati), so it is Italian style ice cream.  That makes much more sense.

Got my work done for the weekend so that is good.  I got myself set up for a relatively smooth day tomorrow. Now I can relax the rest of the evening - maybe even yes read a little. I am on the 4th book of that Fever series.  So more than doubling my reading goal of the year already when I done with this one.  Yippee. 

As I was starting this blog I wondered where all the time goes every day and it dawned on me that I lose (or use) an hour and a half every evening by going over to moms to make her dinner and entertain her.  Then there are the Saturday mornings I help her and and bring her laundry home to do as well.
So that would explain it! 

At least most of the things have been done that were needed in preparation for the future.  The major assets are in a Trust I had set up for mom including her house and my dad's probate I believe is almost done. They had to put an ad in the papers for 30 days or so. I think the final formality of probate being officially completed will be happening in the next few weeks. I should here from the attorney about that.

There was one major thing that we didn't give much thought until a few weeks ago.  My hubby has been taking mom to all her doctor appointments in the Camry which she is the most familiar and comfortable in.  The Camry was actually titled in dad's name only.  Mom doesn't have a driver's license in this state.  So all the times driving, hubby was basically not insured should anything happen and an insurance claim would have to be filed or worse yet a lawsuit.  We'd have been totally screwed!  But we resolved that issue by transferring the title to my name and added the car to our insurance.  Now hubby or I can drive it and be covered if need be. Dad always wanted my sister to have his car so when mom passes I will just gift it to her (blue book value is well under the maximum gift before getting into gift taxes). 

That's it for now.  Bye.

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