Saturday, June 18, 2016


Today we were up and on the road by 8:30AM.  Hubby and I were going down to help the youngest move from her dark, dreary, old apartment to a nice new one down the road.  We also got to meet her new boyfriend.   He was very nice and really helped Steve with all the heavy furniture that was moved..okay they moved.  We made two trips and luckily she is getting rid of the heavy couch so that didn't have to be moved.  She still has some stuff to be moved but wasn't fully boxed up yet.  There isn't a ton left and she's got another week to get it all moved. 

It really only took a few hours to get things moved so that was nice.  Her new apartment is very nice, light an airy and the whole complex is only a year or two old so everything is pretty new.  It is a gated complex too which is nice. 

We had an early lunch ( for me late brunch because I didn't have breakfast) at around noon at IHop. Then hubby and I we were back on the road headed back home by 1:30PM.  There was a lot of traffic coming back and there was also a reckless driver that sideswiped a car in front of us (who thankfully was able to maintain control) and then the reckless driver took off. We had seen him not staying in the lines next to us for a while and he was either drunk or on drugs.  He was driving a run down car too.  He got off the highway and I was hoping the person he hit would catch him (as they went off the exit too).  Then further up the road the reckless driver was back ON the highway. I knew it was him because his left side had a white stripe of paint where he had scraped the car he had hit.  Hubby steered clear of him and just as I was asking if we shouldn't try calling the police, we didn't see his car anymore.  I just can't believe how bold people are around here and how many could care less about leaving the scene.  Then again he might not even legally be in this country.  :-(

I just relaxed after we got back and got some reading done of the 2nd book in the Fever series. I read a little yesterday as well and am already at page 136. These books are just that good!  Every time I thought I was at a spot that I could put it down, I couldn't. :0)

Tomorrow is a work day for me. I'm going to get the dogs out to go one last time and go watch some TV.

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