Monday, June 27, 2016

One Year Ago

It has been exactly one year since my dad passed away.  It was a bit sad when I thought about that today. It also made me realize though that for 365 days I have visited my mom to get her dinner.  That is a long time, but with hubby's help more times than he has needed to come, it has made it a lot more bearable.  I love my mom, don't get me wrong but it is tough to go day after day after day when sometimes you just don't want to go.  But I'll keep doing it as long as she needs.

Anyway enough about that.  Hubby has been having some skin issues and finally went to a dermatologist today.  It all started when he got a splinter in his foot.  It remained there for several days and he started feeling a bump where it was.  I took a look at it and sterilized a needle and poked at it.  I got what I thought was the splinter out but it still was a bit inflamed with a yellowish tinge to it.  Fast forward to last Wed/Thurs. He said it was still bothering him so we both thought about him soaking it in Epsom salts and then putting some drawing salve on it. We though perhaps there was still some splinter deeper down. The only salve he could find was called PRID.  Well over the weekend he started getting little red dots on his head that were getting really itchy and then burned.  They looked like they were spreading and by Saturday night we both thought about him stopping using the PRID. He only used it for 2- 3 days but it was enough to (the doctor believes he had an allergic reaction to it)  It was even starting to affect around his eyes and one of his hands (the palm has been really itchy). 

I hope that this reaction is all that it is and nothing something else or something more serious. (The doctor asked him if he had diabetes or thyroid problems as these could be symptoms of that too. He is pretty sure he doesn't have either of those issues). To me this happened very rapidly to be something like diabetes or thyroid. He gave him some cream to put on his face once a day and told him to also take Benedryl for 5-7 days.  It is still itching him pretty badly but hopefully tomorrow it will start improving.  The problem with him putting this stuff on his face is that he sweats pretty easily so I'm not sure how much actually gets absorbed.  Anyway, sure hope it works.

It reminded me of a time when the oldest got poison oak right before we went to the shore for a weekend and she hid the fact that it was all over her legs for a day or so.  That was quite alarming I remember!  I think the pediatrician gave her a cortisone shot of some sort to help with that.   This doctor didn't indicate anything like that to help Steve.  He just said he thought it was some sort of allergic reaction to the PRID.

Oh he also looked at his foot and opened up the area that had gotten some hardened pus in it and took care of that. Apparently the splinter had caused an infection to form before I got the splinter out and then when I did it just closed up around that area that was still infected.  No more lump there now.  Things have to be really bad for him to do something medical about it so I'm glad he didn't delay another day. 

Hope tomorrow brings him some relief.

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