Monday, July 4, 2016

Nice day off!

It was a wonderful day off!  I slept in (until 7:20 ish) which is sleeping in for me.  Then I took a walk and it was cloudy out which was nice because it kept some of the heat off and helped that I forgot to put any sunscreen on. I have not been putting on any suntan lotion before I head out the door these days but I am usually going to my car (which is usually in the garage) and am not outdoors very long.  I probably should put it on regardless as I know I ca still get exposure driving my car even if it is only 5 minutes down the road.  I'll try to be more diligent about that.

Anyway after I walked, I decided to read some. This was the first time this year I sat on the back balcony.  It was nice sitting up there reading for a while this morning while it was cloudy and still relatively cool.  Then I made breakfast for hubby and I and then decided to get the bathrooms clean.  They needed it more than I thought. :)  But they are all spanking clean now. 

Then I was back to reading my book. Hubby had the TV on tuned to the History channel but that was fine with me since I was reading and only glancing up occasionally.  We had Gourmet Cupboard Kung Pao chicken for dinner so I marinaded the chicken in plenty of time around 3:00PM.  I usually forget and am scrambling to get it marinaded for an hour before time to cook it.  So it was a nice relaxing afternoon and dinner with a glass of wine.

We just got back from mom's about 15 minutes ago and I'm settling in to read again. Oops. I just remembered I had a load in the washer too.  Bye for now.

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