Monday, June 19, 2017


I just looked out and it is raining, thankfully. It has been really hot and humid here as of late plus some of the new sod in front was not looking that great, so the rain will help.

I haven't seen my mom yet today but I went over to the hospital yesterday for 7 hours and sat with her.  She was sleeping for the most part. I'm sure she exhausted herself on Saturday trying to get herself out of bed when she shouldn't be.  She was really stubborn about it too.

Anyway my brother flew in from NY last evening and he is sitting with her now. The thing is that he said the therapist wants him to do some leg exercises with my mom.  I'm sure he will oblige and do so but this brings back thoughts of when I took hubby to the (same) hospital in October and I had to scrub him down with these wipes and I had to be the one to get the wheel chair to wheel him into the hospital.

Don't these health care workers make enough money to do their jobs?  The bills that were submitted to my insurance company just for his back surgery were over $100,000 - for ONE night!  So there they are having some ungodly billing and still making the patient's family do some work! 

The only reason I didn't use a different hospital with mom is because this one is close by - less than 10 minutes away.  The next closest is closer to 30 minutes depending on traffic.  Besides it isn't like I live in a little hick town so the hospital is tiny or archaic.  They are even building on a helicopter pad and another easier entry way from the Interstate.  So why they are lacking in good service and care is beyond me!!  I remember the days when someone came OUT with a wheel chair and that hospital staff was to do everything.  What if she did not have children seeing her?  They would have to do it all by themselves right?  Or would she just be ignored?  Who knows!!

My mom is 90 years old too, I get it that she is elderly and let's face it elderly do not always get top priority. But my husband is not 90 and he was not given great care either. Hopefully it isn't that all hospitals are like that nowadays and it is just this one that is so lacking.

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