Tuesday, September 15, 2015


I just realized earlier today that I didn't blog yesterday.  It was a busy day.  Back to work after a long weekend off (I took Friday off) and didn't work all weekend. It was tough getting my brain to work again. But once I got it working, there was lots to do. Also got my car to the shop to get inspected.  I need to contact them tomorrow as they never did call me today to let me know that it was ready.

Then I went to make my mom dinner last night and went back to work so yah, that is what happened to the day.  I forgot to take any pictures and I'm too tired to run and take some now.  I will say the bathroom is coming along.  The dry wall is up including the wall that separates the water heater area from the rest of the bathroom and the plumbing and electrical is mostly done.  The bath tub is sitting where it is going to go.  We opted for just a 5 foot tub as a 6 foot long one would be too wide and too close to the toilet.  It is a major thing to move the toilet pipes so we just went with same size tub. Got a white one which is good as it will go with any tile we pick.

The last few days one of the fur kids Kaci has been getting sick but only at night (at least as far as we could tell). But last night she kept getting sick until she had nothing but spit left. So today we decided to just give her a scrambled egg.  I thought she would scarf it up but she actually didn't want it at all.  So hubby cooked up some rice to give her some rice and a tiny bit of the wet dog food later on. That was actually funny to watch.  She would pick through the rice, spitting it out on the rug for the little bit of dog food. 

Then for dinner we just gave her a few spoonfuls of the wet dog food.  She hasn't gotten sick (unless it was outside when we weren't looking), so hopefully she is on the mends and her stomach is better. She was not as active today as she usually is, but she wasn't totally lethargic either so here's hoping tomorrow she'll be better. We'll likely just give her the wet dog food again.

Well I'm beat! :)  Nite!

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