Tuesday, February 17, 2015


I am done work already!  Woo hoo!  I stopped at regular time today since I worked all weekend and the holiday. I felt I deserved to not work late tonight for once.

This afternoon I went over to help my dad and my mom asked me to look at the washer. I opened the lid and saw clothes and something that looked like a thin towel but also a bunch of white lint sort of stuff. I pulled out the strange looking towel and realized it was paper and it was heavy (with water weight)!  You know those hospital bed pads that they put down to catch 'accidents'?  Those blue and white square ones?  Well my dad had accidentally put it in the wash!  I saw that he had taken it off the bed as he hasn't had any issues there since getting home from the hospital.  But I never thought it would end up in the washer.

Oye!  I took out the load and walked outside with it, leaving a small trail of white paper lint behind me. I tried to fluff out as much of the white stuff that I could.  It was like snowing paper!  I got some in my clothes and hair, and I hope I didn't inhale any of the little white pieces of shredded pad. 

The load then went into the dryer.  I hope it all came out.  I didn't stick around to find out.  I had to wipe out the washer with damp paper towels three times to get the white stuff from there too. Hopefully nothing got clogged up in the inside of the washer. 

The things old people do!  LOL!  I know I'll be there someday but it always seems to be something.

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