Wednesday, August 19, 2015

You know you need a break...

When things that normally don't bother you about work get to you really fast.  So it is time to take a few days off next month.  That is a good month to take off anyway with all the birthdays and our 16th wedding anniversary. Yup 16 years.  Sometimes it seems time flew, other times not.

Lately it seems time is going faster, must be with age time seems to go faster. That must be because it is running out. 

Yesterday I made sun tea. This is when I fill a large jug with cold fresh (bottled) water, put a few tea bags in it, and let it sit in the sun for a few hours.  It is the natural way to make iced tea.  The bad part is I woke up around 4:00AM and remembered that I never brought the jug back in !!! ARGH!!  So that was a wasted batch. 

Started all over again today and remembered this time. Iced tea is all done and chillin' in the fridge.

School starts next week around here.  There have been a ton of back to school ads on TV and there was a news story today that some areas are testing the school zones lights. Other than seeing the school bus in the morning, there probably won't be much difference in our neighborhood anyway.  I rarely see any kids 'outside playing'. There aren't a lot of families right now with kids on our streets.  There have been a few new families that moved in the last year or so but still is relatively quiet.  

Sometimes I miss the hustle and bustle of back to school shopping for the girls, orientation, football games and such.  I know I could still go to the football games at the high school if I wanted but I don't really see the point in it.  I wouldn't know any of the kids playing and my youngest is no longer in Georgettes, so it would be, well strange. 

I am looking forward to some new TV shows this fall. TV has been rather boring this summer, although I have enjoyed watching Extant and Zoo, but usually there is a lot more than interests me. For lack of anything better to watch we often have America's Got Talent on but I can take or leave that show.  I do find America Ninja Warrior surprisingly interesting and find myself cheering them on. Too bad more women do not make it very far.  But I'm not going to complain watching the men. :-)

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