Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Oh well....

So, I have to show up for jury duty tomorrow.  Luckily I still get paid at work for being off for jury duty.  I haven't actually ever been on a jury before.  I have gone and sat and waited for my name (or number actually) to be picked but they either picked all the jury before they get to me, or the trial got cancelled due to one reason or another.  So we'll see.  I just hope it isn't pouring when I have to go there. At least I have a book to read while I wait there.

By the way, Mr weatherman you were WRONG about last night.  I was awake from about 12:30AM - 3:00AM from the wind, thunder, lightning, and two of the dogs being uneasy due to the storms.Needless to say I was dragging today and didn't get a walk in either.

I've been stepping up the fruit intake as just the apple every day gets boring. So today I had raspberries, blackberries, and apple and orange bread (that I got at the farmers market), and milk for breakfast. Yummy!

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