Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Post # 93...2019

Hump Day!!  Tomorrow it is supposed to be hot.  It may get to the upper 80's.  This weather has been so weird.  It didn't get above 65 degrees here today.  Monday morning was 40 degrees. It is just all over the place. But I'll take the warm weather tomorrow, even though it is not a walk day.

Well after about 3 1/2 years I think I am going to cut my losses and end my Paparazzi jewelry business.   I have had lives for nearly 6 months with very little audience and Sunday was to me the final straw.  There was another consultant who sent me a message on my Facebook page asking if I had two fashion fix sets (set of 4 matching jewelry pieces) from a live I did a few weeks ago.  I did have those and she asked me if I had a set that she sent me the picture to.  I spent 45 minutes going through all my inventory (and yes after 3 1/2 years I  have a ton of inventory), I did not find that third set.  I let her know that and she said that she'd take the original 2 sets she wanted.  Cool! A $40 sale was a nice little turn of events.

I told her I have to charge full price and she said she understood that.  I told her I'd give her a break and only charge $7.00 shipping and tax.  She thought that was a lot. Well I use priority padded mailers for that many pieces and that is more than $7 without any tax.  But since she complained, I told her I could send it in a different envelope regular mail for $4.50.  She was okay with that.  Again this all happened on SUNDAY during the day (when most folks would not work or if they did would not respond to people until after the weekend).  So I paypal billed her and thanked her.

Monday morning I check and see she told me she didn't want one of the two sets after all and could I send a new invoice.  So I changed the invoice and sent the new one.

Fast forward to today.  It is Wednesday and I've gotten no payment! This is from another representative who should know better than to be a horrible customer...well actually not even a customer. She was just someone who made a knee jerk decision to buy some jewelry and waste my time on a Sunday, with no intentions of ever buying any of it.  At this point I cancelled the invoice!  If she dares to contact me I'll tell her to go to hell.  So aggravating!

I haven't even opened the new fashion fix jewelry box I got last week.  I was going to just cancel getting the fashion fix each month but I think I've had enough disappointment with this business.  I am not cut out for direct sales.  I think if I ever do anything part-time in the future like after I retire, it will be something in the financial or mortgage field or something I think up for myself (that isn't a direct sale business that tons of other people are doing).

I wrote to my upline gal who is also a casual friend I've known for over 20 years now about my decision.  She actually didn't sound surprised at all and didn't try to talk me out of it.  I'm glad because I feel bad enough as it is. No one likes to feel like they just can't cut it when they've spent time and money for lots of inventory.

So another chapter in my Book ends.  LOL.

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