Monday, April 8, 2019

Post #98...2019

9777 steps. There is a good chance I can make 10,000 steps today.  It was not raining this morning but there was lots of debris on the roadway with pollen and such so that was a little messy to walk in but it turned sunny and nice for the rest of the day.  I just checked at it is still 82 degrees at 8:00PM, so not bad. 

Today was a typical Monday workday and we had spaghetti for dinner which is one of my favorites, even though I am not a kid anymore.  There is something about turning the noodles on my forks until I  have a nice mouthful and eating it up.  We put fresh shredded Parmesan cheese on it too which adds a nice finishing touch.

I noticed the kitchen sink rug was wet when I walked on it looking around for dessert. I bent down and sure enough Bella had peed on it. I checked another spot at the other end and she went there too.  UGH!  Her pee pad is only about 4 feet from that.  And we have the doggy doors open.  We like having a rug by the sink so we are not going to just not use one.  I don't know how to get her to either just use her pee pad or outside.  It drives me nuts!!  Luckily so far the only rug she uses is the kitchen sink rug.  We have others throughout some rooms.  But I am at a loss as to how to get her to stop going on that rug.  We've replaced it twice already too with brand new, and that is after cleaning the floor underneath too.  She doesn't go on it right away but after a week or so there's a spot...

We've resigned ourselves to the fact that she s going to keep needing a pee pad. Trust me, we've tried none and she peed in a few other places too including the floor so we have to use them.  Let's just hope we can somehow break her of using the kitchen rug as her other pee pad.  :-(

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