Saturday, February 27, 2016

Who would have thought?

I have struggled for months to find my mom the exact name brand and type of pantyliner that she wants.  I must have gotten her 10 different brands.  I asked her to please save whichever box or wrapper to the one that works the best for her so that I can take it with me so that I get exactly what she wants. 

So the other evening she showed me a box of the kind she wants. It wasn't anything that I have bought her. It is Always Dri weave panty lines unscented in a purple box.  I asked her if she knew how old that box was.  She didn't. So I started searching for that exact product to get her. I even went to the Always website itself.  No surprise, they don't make that exact item any more.  I knew if I got her anything different she wouldn't like it.  While expressing my frustration to my hubby today we both sort of mentioned doing a search for it on the Internet. So where do you go to find something you really want out there?  Why Ebay of course! :)

I actually found a (Vintage) unopened box of 88 (so pink not purple) Always Dri weave unscented but the rest is exactly what she wanted. Ordered!  If they don't work out, I give up.  And when they are gone...we'll I'm not going to think about that right now.  ;=)

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