Friday, January 30, 2015


My niece went to the hospital this morning to have her first baby. My brother is going to let us know.  Hopefully it won't be one of those 20 something hour labors, or worse yet be told oh, your contractions stopped you can go home sort of thing.

The thought about having babies brings me back to my experience with my first born. I was due somewhere around January 8th.  I had an ultrasound done when I was a week late and the doctors told me the baby could be upwards of 11 pounds. 

I never dialated past 2 cms and they even striped the membrane at one visit after that. Still nothing.  What floored me was how the doctors waited until I was 3 weeks LATE and then were going to induce labor. Seriously?  You tell me this baby may be big enough that it can practically walk out of me, and you want to wait??   In hind sight I should have insisted much earlier to do something about it.

The morning I went in to be induced it was January 29th, a full 21 days late!  I was really getting concerned that maybe there was a good reason I did not go into labor.  I am not a big boned woman and I was worrying that the baby would either get stuck trying to come out or break her shoulder or something.  I asked them to PLEASE perform a C-Section and they finally agreed. 

Thank God!  She was a perfect 10 lb, 8 oz baby and I was so happy I didn't try the 'normal' delivery route.  When we were leaving the hospital a few days later a woman asked me if she was three or four months old.  I smiled and said 3 days.

That little baby is now 27 years old as of yesterday and a beautiful young woman.  

When it was time to have my second baby, I just opted for a C-Section. It was less chance of complications and no this time did not wait until 3 weeks past my due date!  And she wasn't 10 pounds either. 

So if and when my girls ever have children of their own, I won't be able to share any 'labor' stories with them. But I'm okay with that. :)

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