Saturday, January 3, 2015

Hello Sun! Finally

Today the sun finally was out and it did get to the low 60's which was nice while it lasted.  I spent most of the day in doors but it was still nice looking out of my office window and seeing the blue skies and the sunshine.

I felt good about something I did today!  I reunited a lost dog with its owner.  It was mid afternoon and I saw something out back by the fence. It wasn't the normal deer that I usually see out there. I got up to get a better look and saw a dog I hadn't seen before pacing up and down the opposite side of the fence.  I let the dogs out as they were going ballistic and of course they all raced down to where that dog was.  It didn't run away despite all their barking so I decided to go outside and investigate. It was a dark brown/blackish border collie mix type of dog. As I approached it looked up at me and wagged his tail. I saw something shimmering around his neck and he had a tag with a phone number on it. I tried to memorize it and ran in to the phone and yep, called the wrong number. I kept repeating the number so I thought "I got this".That lady had no dog and so I took the phone outside with me and down to the fence I walked again.

I reached down through the wire fence and petted him a little and held his tag so I could see the number and dial it while I was reading it.  I got through to a lady who was grateful that I called. Her hubby came within 5 minutes (and I petted him while waiting so he wouldn't go away).  They were watching a few other dogs besides theirs and this dog had gotten out somehow.  I thought it was nice that he felt he owed me an explanation as to how his dog got out.  I didn't really care about that, I'm just glad I reunited them. His dog hopped right into his car, in the front seat too (even though the man had opened the back car door to let him in). Smart dog!

That was the highlight of my day.  I didn't get over to the farmers market like I wanted to but I just didn't want to stop my work mojo, so I let it go.  I'm still eating some purple cabbage I got a few weeks ago anyway so I'm not totally out of fresh veggies.

Wonder if there is a new SNL on tonight.  Later...

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