Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year~!

Today is the first day of a brand new year.  Clean slate, fresh start...blah..blah..blah.  Now we all have to get used to writing 2016. That'll take me about 3 months most likely.  We didn't stay up until midnight but had the east coast New Year's Eve show on TV and so we pretended we were in New York and said Happy New Year at 11:00PM instead. :0)  Close enough!!  What I don't get is why call it Dick Clark's Primetime New Year's Rockin' Eve with Ryan Seacrest. That just sounds dumb to me.  So if Ryan Seacrest stops being the host is it going to be Dick Clark's Primetime New Year's Rockin' Eve and Ryan Seacrests for a few years, now with so and so 2000 something?? I loved Dick Clark and enjoyed watching him in his prime, but he is no longer around for close to 4 years and therefore not hosting, so let's just change the name next year. Okay?

This morning I got up and took my walk like I always do on this day (if it were any other week).  I usually see a bunch of deer laying in yards or grazing on grass but I think the fireworks last night scared them away.  The first living thing I saw was a turkey vulture pearched up on a roof top of a house ahead of me.  Great!  Talk about an omen for the year to come...

Then I finally saw my first deer. Unfortunately it was laying on the grass just off the road, lifeless. Poor thing. I then realized why the turkey vulture was on top of that nearby house.  I couldn't see any outward bodily damage to the deer although I only saw one side of it. I don't know if deer can get heart attacks from fireworks.  It likely did get hit by a vehicle I guess.  I did feel sad for it.  That was the only deer I saw this morning. 

This year I'm going to have a theme. Last year's theme was Improvement, that is home improvement.  This year the theme is going to be Saving.  I want to try to save more this year.  All the major home improvements have been done (well nearly done). We still have tile around the living room floor that needs to be completed and should be done by Sunday.  So I will be spending this year focusing on the theme and seeing if we can save more this year.  Woo hoo for themes!!

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