Saturday, October 19, 2013


Why do folks think that they do not have to clean up after their dogs when it poops on the edge of the street?  Don't they realize that people walk along the street so we can step in it and get it stuck in our shoes? It is always a big dog's poo too! I jumped out of the way just in time today. Makes me mad. These are probably the same people who walk their dogs after sun down or before sunrise so that no one sees them.

Anyway I got 4 of the dogs walked today, so 3 miles.  There were some loose dogs which I always hate because I don't know if mine will try to attack if they come up to them, but luckily I got the loose dogs to stop coming our way. They looked like they were just trying to be friendly, but mine are not socialized.  I know, shame on me.

Got some cleaning done this morning. I really really hate cleaning.  The dirt and hair just multiplies that much faster with 5 dogs.  The only way to truly keep up with it would be to clean every single weekend, but I don't.  I just cannot see spending a good chunk of every weekend cleaning. But the living room, dining and kitchen look great for at least a few days.

I took a break and watched Zorro so that was nice.  Also my daughter's boyfriend's mother just came back from traveling back east and she was so thoughtful! She brought a six pack of Yuengling Lager for us. We love that beer and can't get it here. We're going to savor them.  Hubby and I split one before dinner. Thanks Melanie!

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